Friday, February 12, 2010

Time Warp The Camera Recorder What's Name Of HORRORmovie Where The Faces Of People Who Die, Appear Warped In Pictures Or Camera Recording?

What's name of HORRORmovie where the faces of people who die, appear warped in pictures or camera recording? - time warp the camera recorder

It is a great movie. Towards the end of the horror film, there is a scene where a boy and a girl walk into a supermarket, television over the field that shows what features the camera and his face is deformed. .. .. because a little later, a girl, who knows, goes to his apartment for him, and when she comes back to his black leather chair, died, and his face is a mess. Any help?


Potato Sandwich said...

The Ring

Elizabet... said...

I think we are talking about the ring.
I love that movie

Millafan... said...

"The Ring" impressive film, a new view of horror.

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